En aktuell studie av Deloitte rapporterar att soft skills-intensiva jobb förväntas öka 2,5 gånger snabbare än jobb som inte kräver soft skills i samma utsträckning. Hur ska företag och organisationer förbereda sig för denna förändring? Ladda ner vår Soft Skills-guide och lär dig förstå soft skills och varför dessa kompetenser är avgörande för en lyckad rekryteringsprocess.
When designing and delivering a virtual assessment centre, it is important to follow best practice. This can help increase the validity and effectiveness of your assessment process whilst ensuring that candidates have a fair and positive experience.
For the most employers, neurodiversity seeks to embrace the talents of employees and candidates who think differently to people they would typically hire, and it’s something that can offer a wealth of benefits to companies willing to take the leap.
Interviewing candidates can be an incredibly time consuming part of the recruitment process. Knowing specifically what strategic interview questions to ask candidates will go a long way to determining the quality of answers you get. So how do you know if your interview questions are any good?
Clevry's Concept Lead Roope Rajala is joined by Nordcloud's COO Jan Kritz to talk about the importance of cloud expertise and how to tackle the challenges of cloud talent resourcing.
Clevry's Concept Lead Roope Rajala is joined by Ari Hovi's CEO Hannu Järvi to talk about the importance of data expertise and how to tackle the challenges of data talent resourcing.
Spana in vårt webinar Introduktion till Soft Skills med Dr. Alan Redman för att lära dig mer om soft skills.